Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Like going to the store with a rock star

Before ALT was born we had a small, very small mind you, fear that our kid might be an ugly kid. You know that no one will tell you to your face that your kid has a great face for radio. They will simply smile and just ask her name and move on with their day and secretly screaming in their head. However, it has come to my attention that I have a very cute kid. It's not just a face that a mother could love, but that everyone who sees her wants to know more about her.

What is with the question of the birth weight? Everyone wants to know what she was born at to compare to the hundreds of other people that the person knows and then proceed to tell you how much their kids weighed or how much their fat uncle weighed when he was born... etc. It just seems odd to compare such a thing. Considering that c-sections are the norm these days, it really doesn't matter how much the kid weighed because they were sliced right out and didn't have to go through the "ring of fire" like they used to.

So yesterday we went to the grocery store to get diapers and water. 30 minutes later we leave because everyone wanted to see ALT and tell us about their story. This is fine and I really enjoy the fact that we have a rock star for a daughter. Just to compare. I had to go to another store to get 3 things for dinner prep and I left mom and ALT in the car while I ran in... 3 minutes. This must be what it's like to be famous or at least being related to someone who's famous :)

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