Monday, August 18, 2008

Who does number 2 work for?

Nothing really new to talk about. She mostly just eats, sleeps and poops in various orders.
I'm going to talk about poop now. Hey, it's my kid and I'm allowed. I'll send my 25 year old self over to slap me after I'm done.

There was the ninja poop. She just sat there... didn't make any noise and suddenly when the doctor when to check her back it was there!

There was the scare the fatman poop. We were over helping a friend move and she was on the couch and just let her rip and the diaper couldn't contain it. Scarred the Fatman for life.

There was the poop in my mouf. You ever see riding in cars with boys? Well, when you change her diaper she tends to pull her legs in tight like she did in the womb and she'll get her feet in poop. Sometimes you can't see it all... all I'm saying is that her edible toes are not as tasty when you get some poo in you mouth. Ask A.L.T's mom, she'll tell you.

Then there are the faces... when she makes a perfect O with her mouth, you know what's happening... check out some of the new pictures in the galery to see some of the better faces she makes.