Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Get that pillow out of my ass

Okay so I understand the whole nesting thing, it's hormones and preparing for the baby. I get comfort and wanting to relieve your body from the massive belly that has formed in just a few short months. However I don't appreciate the whole nest of pillows and then using one to go between your legs as you are on your side and then cuddling with your husband. Get that pillow out of my ass.

There is nothing like waking up at 2:00AM with your glowing wife because she has to get up to pee to find that you have a pillow in your ass that you didn't ask for.

My Wife is due any minute now and all the probing and poking, that doctors sometimes do, just make me want to punch someone. Also, I don't want to have my doctor hopped on benadryl, which she has been for almost a month now, and then having her look at charts and things. It just doesn't make me feel comfortable that she makes life and death decisions with a fog in her head.

On a lighter note... we saw hair on the sonagram last week. I'm not sure that's my kid as we are all bald till about the age of 2 :)

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